ERP Selection
High Level Project Definition
Strategic Business Requirments
Review Current Processes
Technology Review
Analyze Information
Develop Recommendations
Project Definition
R S InfoCon offers a practical approach for driving and managing large-scale change in complex organizations for ‘speed to benefit’. We are experienced in assisting clients with ERP selection projects in order to improve overall ERP Software effectiveness, meet the needs of the business and keep pace with changing business requirements.
We have a high level of confidence that our selection process will identify critical business issues, promote issue resolution, and result in potential savings in the form of cost avoidance or revenue enhancement. We engage multiple senior consultants who work closely with the client team to conduct the software selection process activities.
Benefits of the ERP Selection Process include the following:
- Formal approach promotes identification and resolution of critical business issues related to the current processes and systems
- Examination of current activities allows for the immediate resolution of issues related to undocumented practices and noncompliance
- Utilization of client personnel (executive, area managers and key users) promotes transfer of knowledge
- Utilizes internal expertise
- Requires client commitment
- Encourages ownership
- Appropriately assigns responsibility
Software Selection Methodology
Scoping and Planning
- Assessment Goals
- Constraints
- Assessment Participants
- Assessment Schedule
- Assessment Workshops
- Assessment Travel Requirements
- High Level Planning
Strategic Business Requirements
What makes Company xyz unique?- As is Process
- Future State
- Business Strategy
- Digital Strategy
- IoT Strategy
- Integration Strategy
Review Current Processes
- Constraints
- Opportunities
- Application Consolidation
- Desired Capabilities in Futrue State
Technology Review
- Review Technical Landscape
Solution Definition
- Review information gathered during the assessment sessions
- Research alternatives
Develop Recommendations
- Document recommendations which allow the organization to meet the Strategic Business Requirements
- Develop Assessment Report & Presentation
Solution Presentation
- Key Findings & Recommendations
- Assistance with Business Case
- Assist with RFP to Software Vendors